Fairbury Fair 8/13 – 8/17

The Fairbury Fair – for the 138th time (that is 138 years worth folks) the infamous Fairbury Fair will be launching its special brand of excitement, entertainment, exhibits, competition, and adventurous eating for the multitude of patrons who come through the Fairbury Fair Grounds gates in search of that adrenaline…
Shops Celebration 8/15

The Specialty Shops of Fairbury Group are once again combining their creativeness with special event schedules to give the community an opportunity to discover the advantages, specialties, bargains, and shopping comfort that these businesses, shops and services put right at your fingertips. In alignment with the Fairbury Fair week this…
Miracle Treat 8/14

Dairy Queen is celebrating Miracle Treat Day (Thursday, August 14th)! $1 or more from every Blizzard Treat purchased will be donated to our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals to help children in need. Dairy Queen’s slogan “Put Your Money Where the Miracles Are!” give us that extra push to help provide…
Wabash Festival 9/27

The Forrest 10th Annual Wabash Festival – there have been quite a few acknowledgements of the Historical Society of Forrest and their renovating accomplishments with the old Forrest Hotel (now the Hampsher Hotel) and the defunct Forrest Depot (the old Wabash and Norfolk & Western Railroad Depot) which are all…
Town Garage Sales 9/26-27
Farm Dinner Event 9/13
The Slagel Family Farm – if you take Route 24 one mile east out of Fairbury and then a mile south and another half mile or so east you’ll find a farming adventure (actual address is 23601 E 600 N Road) in the raising and processing of livestock that is…