The Fairbury Specialty Shops Group have got you covered for Mother’s Day. This group of enterprising local merchants have an expansive array of merchandise that gives their customers the opportunity to get that special gift for Mom that can be anything from personal interests to standard everyday fare specifics. And, if you’re like a lot of us because you don’t have any idea what to get her, then the browsing value of these multi-faceted items and services can be a huge help in coming up with that unique gift that makes everyone happy. Check them out and take advantage of the specials, discounts, and sales that each shop and business has put in place to make the “seek and find” adventure appealing.
This event takes place on Friday, May 12th, and Saturday, May 13th, and here’s who they are and where they are:
Cascade Gardens Half mile west of Fairbury on Rte 24
Country Cupboard Two miles east of Fairbury on Rte 24
Dave’s Supermarket 120 S Third St.
Fairbury Furniture 100 W Locust St.
Heart’s Desire 805 E Oak St.
Kilgus Farmstead Country Store Extreme south end of First St.
Lost Arts 200 E Locust St.
Meyer’s Gifts & Services 122 W Locust St.
Once ‘n Again 118 W Locust St.
Serendipity Cards & Gifts 116 E Locust St.
The Spotted Owl 301 W Oak St.
Go on, go get that perfect something for Mom (and maybe a little something for yourself while you’re at it) – it’s shopping that’s easy, friendly, and fun that is well known for its satisfying results. So get up, get out, and make it happen for you – you’ll be glad you did!